Frequently Asked Questions
What is the upcoming construction project?
The Garage Waterproofing Project replaces the protective coating, or waterproofing, of the garage structure. The new waterproofing coat will be applied in all areas that are exposed to water including: the courtyard, pool and Jacuzzi areas, Elm and Oak buildings, the sides of buildings along Oak Street, Carlsbad Village Drive, and the East side of Elm by Norte.
This requires digging down to the concrete, which is the top of the garage, to expose all areas of the garage. Once the concrete structure is uncovered, the application of the new waterproofing material will be applied.
As a silver lining to the project, upon completion, the resort courtyard area, front entrance and adult Jacuzzi will be ADA compliant. The pool area will be slightly larger and it will include a children’s spa with waterfall and game area. The courtyard will have three fire pits, artificial turf, tables and lounge chairs. As an enhancement, a pergola with BBQ and bar with seating will be added near the pool for activities and guest gatherings. In doing this project it will also reset the clock on many assets at the resort, adding 30-plus more years of making memories with family and friends.
Why is the project happening?
Over the years, we have noticed an increase of leaks in the garage and water seepage to the interior wall of the garage. Maintaining the integrity of the garage structure and the foundation of the condo buildings is our number one priority.
Taking into account the age of the structure, over 30 years, and the exposure to the beach area environment, our HOA Board hired Engineering Consultants to further investigate the original waterproofing material, drainage system and overall garage structure. The recommendation from the consultant team is to replace the waterproofing material in all areas exposed to water. To review the consultant’s finding, please review the Waterproofing Evaluation Study on the Communication Page of the Owner Community site.
When will the renovations happen?
The project is scheduled to start February 2019 and run through spring 2021. There are 5 phases to this construction project that include:
- Elm Building corridor demo and re-build, North and West sides of Elm Waterproofing – Feb 2019-May 2019
- Garage drain lines and column repairs – June 2018-August 2019
- Pool demo, East side of Elm Building and street side of Elm – Sept 2019-May 2020
- Pool re-build, East Side of Oak and street side of Oak – Nov 2019-May 2020
- Oak corridors, Oak perimeters, and courtyard Sept 2020-May 2021
Please visit the Timeline page of the Owner Community site for detailed information.
How long will the project take?
The Garage Waterproofing Project is a major undertaking that will take over two (2) years and is currently scheduled in five (5) phases. We hope to hold close to the schedule in all phases but understand that any major construction project delays may occur due to weather and unforeseen circumstances. Please visit the Timeline page on this site for more details.
Will the construction affect my vacation?
Each Week may be impacted during this project over the next two and a half years. Please visit the Timeline link in the Owner’s Community website for specific weeks and detailed areas of construction planned during that timeframe.
As we get closer to each phase of the project more details of what will be occurring during the weeks will be included. Updates will be made to the timeline and the Owner’s Community page frequently. Please reference the site often as information that may impact your stay may change. We hope to hold close to the schedule in all phases but understand that any major construction project delays may occur due to weather and unforeseen circumstances.
Can we see what the final product will look like?
Yes! Architectural renderings are in progress and will be posted on the Owner’s Community website.
We will also have them available to view in the Front Lobby at Carlsbad Inn.
How much will the project cost? How will the Association pay for it?
The project will cost approximately $8,500,000. A portion of this has already been invested into the planning and design in anticipation of the project. In addition, as part of the costsharing agreement with the Hotel Ownership group, the Hotel will pay 20% of all project expenses.
It was the decision of Carlsbad Inn’s Board of Directors to move forward with the loan option as opposed to a special assessment to the Owners. A loan totaling $7,500,000 was approved with a ten (10) year repayment term, hotel pays 20% of debt payment.
This project will reset the clock on many assets at the resort including: pool, Jacuzzi, courtyard and, of course, the garage structure that the buildings sit on to add an additional 30 years of life to our beautiful property.
Why do we need a loan when we’ve been paying maintenance fees for years?
The Reserves portion of your Annual Maintenance Fees is intended to maintain the quality of the resort; these funds have been used for many major updates and projects over the last several years including; roof replacement, Oak Building kitchen remodel, furniture replacement, ceiling fans, mattresses, and in-room safes.
The funding needed for the Garage Waterproofing Project exceeds the amount set aside in the Reserves account for scheduled projects. This is a large, expensive project that would be difficult to plan for exclusively. Its completion will be a balance of keeping the resort beautiful, updated and maintained while planning for unforeseen needs as this.
Will our maintenance fees increase?
The Operation portion of your Maintenance Fees will increase slightly with inflation. In anticipation of the project, your 2018 and 2019 Annual Maintenance Fees included an Additional Contribution to Reserves to support funding and loan payments for this project, that will continue until the loan is paid.
Will we continue to put the same amount into Reserves?
It is important for funding of Reserves to remain a priority throughout the project to maintain the room and resort quality. The Reserves potion of your Maintenance Fees will include an Additional Contribution to repay the loan for the project.
What other maintenance projects are coming up?
The Garage Waterproofing Project has the highest priority. As a Management Team we do realize many areas around the resort need the continued repairs and/or replacements while the major waterproofing project is occurring.
We have also taken into account the financial impact to Owners. Several projects originally scheduled for 2019 and 2020 have been delayed including the Elm Kitchen Renovation. However, based on Owner feedback and inspection of the property, some projects cannot be delayed such as the replacement of the sliding glass doors in the Elm Building.
What are my options with my upcoming use week?
- Banking weeks with GPX or RCI. Owners are able to Bank their week with GPX or RCI. However, please note that it may be difficult to trade back in to Carlsbad Inn for several years as the inventory during construction will be limited. This will be a good opportunity to explore other locations and resorts.
- Use your week. As always, we are here to wish you a warm welcome in enjoying your week at Carlsbad Inn. If you decide to use your week, please know that there may be construction work and noise 8:00 am through 5:00 pm daily.
We encourage those that stay with us to plan daily excursions such as tours, shopping, golfing, sailing, biking, and other activities away from the resort. It may not be the same relaxing experience you have had in the past, but it will be a chance to explore the surrounding areas! Visit our Locals Guide with suggestions of off-site activities here:
Who should I contact for more information?
Please visit the Owner Community website for weekly updates, images of the planned improvements, and before-and-after photos.
If you have any questions, please contact General Manager Randal Chapin at (760) 434-7020.
We also invite you to attend a Coffee Klatch held weekly on Thursdays at 9:30 am in the Garden Room next to the Fitness Center at Carlsbad Inn. This is a great opportunity for Owners to meet with a manager and review the overall Garage Waterproofing Project and other updates at Carlsbad Inn.